Cooperation Analog Devices

We are proud of our long-standing cooperation:
TZ Electronic Systems with Analog Devices

May 13, 2024, San José, USA

Logo Analog Devices
CEOs from TZ and Analog Devices

Balagopal Mayampurath, Vice President Analog Devices (right) and Andreas Hudak, CEO of TZ Electronic Systems GmbH (left)

TZ Electronic Systems GmbH specializes in integrated hardware solutions in the automotive video sector. It combines hardware and firmware development as well as device production under one roof. It is an integral part of the GMSL ecosystem, which provides vehicle manufacturers and their suppliers with solutions for the development of cameras, displays and vehicle ECUs.

With its GMSL technology, Analog Devices is one of the leading manufacturers of automotive video links. By using technologies in the areas of electrification, digital cabin, networking and connectivity, their solutions enable safer mobility, a feature-rich cabin and more efficient electric vehicles. Analog Devices‘ innovations in precision sensing, edge processing, software and wireless technologies are transforming vehicles into smart hubs.

Since April 2021, we have been working together on the development of the GMSL ecosystem for vehicles. Today, we have extended our cooperation to the use of GMSL outside the vehicle. Building on our many years of success, we want to provide customers who use GMSL in their non-automotive products with easy access to this technology.