Variable power supply for automotive cameras

Modern vehicle cameras have a single connector with a minimum number of wires. In some cases, a single-pole connection is used to supply the camera with power, transmit communication data and send the video signal at the same time.

The TZ Power Injectors were developed to enable flexible commissioning and testing of these cameras. The supply of a voltage to automotive video links, with simultaneous video and data transmission, enables the integration of modern cameras into systems that do not provide a power supply.

With the TZ Power Injectors, a vehicle camera is supplied with any voltage from an external power supply unit via standard connectors (4 mm banana socket).

This simple design also allows the power consumption to be monitored with precise laboratory measuring devices.

This enables

  • Checking the operation at minimum and maximum supply voltage → Checking the specification with regard to the specified voltage supply ranges (min / max),
  • analysis of the power consumption as a function of the input voltage
  • and the testing of
    • Voltage swings
    • Voltage drops
    • Overvoltage/undervoltage

The answer to your challenges: variable power supply for vehicle cameras.

Power Injector

General device arrangement

Power Injector - General Device Structure


  • Variable power supply for cameras via the coaxial connection (PoC camera)
  • Commissioning cameras on test devices that do not provide voltage
  • Decoupling the camera power supply from the original source
  • End-of-line testing of components in production
  • Automated hardware-in-the-loop tests
  • PV Product Validation + DV Device Validation
TZ electronic systems offers a dedicated selection of Power Injectors. If your combination of requirements is not covered, then we are happy to implement a solution which meets your specific needs. Request a specific quotation in our online store or contact our technical customer service for non-binding advice on our extensive test solutions.

TZ.PWR Features

TZ offers suitable power injectors for the various link technologies available on the market, such as GMSL, FPD-Link, APIX or GVIF. The impedance-matched signal routing and controlled manufacturing processes result in minimal attenuation on all signal lines. Further customer-specific adaptations such as modified PoC filters are possible at any time.

The TZ product range includes single-channel power injectors that support various link technologies.

Optionally, multi-channel customer-specific solutions can also be offered, which enable features such as switching on individual cameras (TZ Power Switch), measuring the power consumption of the individual camera via a shunt resistor (TZ Shunt) and control with standardized commands via a USB or Ethernet interface (TZ Control).

Both product ranges can be adapted to customer-specific connectors

TZ Power Injection
Injection of variable voltages for automotive video links such as GMSL, FPD-Link, APIX or GVIF
TZ DC decoupling
The unidirectional power supply ensures that only the connected camera is supplied with power, while the connected ECU continues to receive the communication and video data.
TZ Fuse
Each channel has a replaceable fuse and thus offers a high degree of safety when commissioning the connected components.

Technical data

Automotive Video Links GMSL1, GMSL2, FPD-LINK III
Power supply 9VDC…16VDC (PWR1010, PWR2010)

Power Injector variants

Max. Uutput Current
Number of Outputs
Output Connectors
630 mA
500 mA
630 mA

Scope of Supply

All our test devices are supplied pre-configured and ready for use including all components necessary for operation, such as power supply, cables and plugs, etc.
Please contact us – our sales team will be happy to support you with your project